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Ready to become a Sensual Woman ?!

1:1 Mentoring for

women who deeply

desire to cultivate inner peace,

unbreakable confidence

and creation from your inate feminine flow

after unhealthy relationship dynamics

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Hey Beauty! My name is Ari

Im a Feminine Reconnection &

Inner Work Coach

and the creator of the

Foundational Feminine Program


I designed this program to take you from burnt out, insecure in your relationships, disconnected from your feminine energy and in survival mode to confident, aligned with your divine flow, in relationships where you feel safe and cherished and living that soft life that you only imagined


Because i GET it. I know you're beautiful, intellgent, talented and work extremly hard to hold your life, and relationships together. But i also know that you are TIRED!


Tired of being and looking burnt out


Tired of every other women attracting  their desires with ease and living that #softlife


Tired of feeling like you put more into your relationships then you get back


Tired of being disconnected from your body/spirit not knowing what you want


Tired of overthinking, not speaking up and not knowing how and when to assert boundaries that keep you feeling protected


Tired of not having your dream body.


In other words i know what your'e going through because i've been there for the majority of my life. 

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The Foundational Feminine is all about:

Reconnecting you to your inate birthright that is your feminine core, so you can experience more intimacy, flow and softness.

This space serves as the foundation

supporting and guiding you through the reconnection back to your inate feminine core

Key Takeaways:

  • Better understanding and embodiment of the masculine/ feminine relationships which allows you to have a deeper, more intimate, loving and juicer relationship with you !

  • Loving and being unapologetically accepting of yourself and others (and how to allow this to work with what you desire out of relationships)

  • Getting clear on your own personal legend.

  • Learning how to honor and understand your emotions and work with them (not against them)

  • Establishing rock solid boundaries from a place of love and abundance which allows you to have compassion for yourself and others without making yourself small or people pleasing

  • Healing from childhood and parental wounds

  • Cultivating a loving and accepting relationship with your body, amazing health and radiance from the inside out

  • Better communication, understanding, and deeper devotion to the masculine

  • Cultivate seductive siren magnetism with your own dark feminine energy and seductive 

  • Decluttering and organizing your space and tasks so you can operate from a place of flow/automation and not survival

  • Releasing limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns to put in place more aligned core values

  • Expansive self awareness, which helps you eradicate self sabotaging habits and mindsets

  • Learning how to manifest relationships based on your desires/ love list

  • Learn to trust, receive and communicate with men from a centered and confident space

  • Learn how to detach from outcome and be in the moment

  • Learn true feminine strategy techniques to create your dream life

  • Learning how to be clear with your desires and become a magic manifester

  • Meditations customized just for you, your body with aligned chakra work.

  • Inner and outer glow up

  • Lighter, vibrant, sensual more grounded energy

This process helped me
heal my insecurities & become

The Truth is....

My glow up and the confidence i have shouldnt be possible or attainable. According to society and some of my old friends " i was damaged goods and old"It shouldn't have been possible for a women at the brink of her 30's to leave a toxic relationship walk away from unfulfilling friendships, heal relational and childhood wounds to then go on to find the true definition of inner peace, self love, confidence and true alignment, weight loss, and an overabundance of attention from men. Let alone start a successful coaching business, be in relationships that are in alignment with my values, a strong community of like minded women who inspire me everyday and self love that runs on a deep spiritual level. But it was possible.... because i followed this process

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What makes the Foundational Feminine
 1:1 Mentorship so special?

In the FFM, you receive exclusive and intimate access to Ari, her live group calls and her transformative container. You will be part of a community of like-minded women who deeply desire to live a soft life in every aspect.

In this space Ari is working with a small number of women who deeply desire to heal and become the woman of thier wildest dreams. She will be supporting and guiding you on this journey to finding your confidence, community, receptivity, flow, healing from destructive relationships and

trust deeply in the masculine from a healed space.


This is the space where you are provided the proper foundation for a fruitfull reconnection to the inate feminine that you were disconnected with along the way and start creating the a life that is truely in alignment to who you want to be


How do i begin and what
 can i expect in the beginning?

  • Apply at the bottom of the page and Ari will be in contact within 48 hours


  • When you sign up you will receive a follow up email directly from Ari with the sign up link to book all of your Zoom calls, an agreement to sign, Inner work Practice Portal & and a welcome gift


  • First call will be be an honest and loving assessment (including areas of what i call grows and glows) of where your at currently in your journey, then tap into drafting your personal legend while Ari is taking notes of your intentions for the duration of the mentorship


  • The first month is typically about practices and exercises for letting go/ decluttering and creating space in our spiritual and environmental world as we begin the process of reconnecting you with your intuitive feminine core

Taking an honest assessment, initiating the process of decluttering

your internal and extermal space,

gently guiding you toward unapolagetic self acceptance and

restoring your realtionship to the masculine and your

intuitive identity will usually take about 1 month


This mentorship opportunity is
 NOT for you if:

  • Your only concern is getting attention from and /or trying to manipulate men

  • You find new ways or reasons to remain in unhealthy relational dynamics (including the relationship with yourself)

  • You are unwilling to take responsibility for your current circumstance and over identify with victimhood

  • You are not ready to take aligned action that coincide with your desires/goals

  • You are aren't ready to let go of certain experiences

  • You aren't willing to forgive

  • You have a fixed and pessimistic mindset

  • You don't like to be uncomfortable

This mentorship is about creating a life in alignment to your desires and values through deep healing inner work and nurturing your feminine energy. This process is not only going to be deeply spiritual, and definitely allows you moments of rest and reflection and loads of juicy insights.

There are also moments that require you to take aligned action that will get you closer to manifesting your dreams.

Throughout the duration of this process you will literally be shedding an old skin of the habits

and mindsets that are no longer in alignment with where you're going and believe it or not that process can

be a (at times) scary and uncomfortable one. Honor and be honest with where you are in your journey, and if

any of the the above points resonate with you i strongly suggest that

you seek talk therapy. And i promise i will be holding

an energtic space for us to connect when timing is right.


What are the mentorship options and investment?

There are multiple mentorship options:

3 or 6 months

2-3 calls per month

This container is a 4-figure investment

with payment plans & financing options available.


If this price range is out of your budget,

I offer mini-mentorships.

See "mini mentoship" on Linktree homepage.

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